Negotiation Tips

Below are some things to consider if you choose to negotiate:

  • You may wish to prepare thoroughly for salary negotiations, including conducting research on the salary you could expect for the specific type of position you are seeking. information can be a great asset in negotiations.
  • It may be beneficial to delay salary and benefit negotiations for as long as possible in the interview process. You could have more power to negotiate when the field of candidates has been reduced to just you -- when the employer has concluded you are the best candidate for the position. At that point, because they made the offer, you can assume they want you over others – which may give you more negotiation power. Also, don’t feel you must accept or negotiate on the spot - you may be better served to delay the conversation until you have time to thoroughly review details, consider how it meets your needs, and develop an articulate negotiation approach, if needed. Employers may allow a reasonable amount of time to consider an offer. Remember that the actual negotiation typically occurs between the time the employer makes the original offer and the time you accept the final offer. Once you accept an offer, you typically have little-to-no room to negotiate.
  • You may wish to negotiate to your strength. Be prepared to demonstrate your value to the employer by the strengths and accomplishments you bring with you (i.e. cost savings, increased sales revenue, productivity, efficiencies, etc.). Focus on selling yourself throughout the negotiation process.
  • If the salary you're offered is on the low end -- and the employer has stated that salary is not negotiable (perhaps due to corporate salary ranges or pay grade levels), you may consider negotiating for a signing bonus, higher performance bonuses, or a shorter time frame for a performance review and raise. You may wish to try to negotiate base salary first, and then move on to other elements of the job offer. Remember that even if all salary issues are "off the table," there could possibly still be other benefits you can attempt to negotiate, such as moving expenses, paid vacation or personal days, professional training, and more.
  • When presenting a counter proposal to the employer, you might want to prioritize your requests into non-negotiables vs. nice-to-haves.
  • It may be best to enter negotiations with a positive attitude. Keep in the back of your mind that your goal with these negotiations is typically a win-win situation. You want to get a better deal, but you also may want to let the employer feel as though they got a good deal as well.
  • You may not want to make demands. Instead, consider raising questions and making requests during negotiations. You could keep the tone conversational, not confrontational. Throughout the negotiation process, it can be helpful to be polite, patient and respectful.
  • If you have no intention of accepting the company's offer, consider if it is even productive to enter into negotiations. Negotiation is a process designed to find common ground between two or more parties.
  • Be prepared for any of a number of possible reactions to your counter proposal, from complete acceptance, to agreeing to some concessions, to refusal to negotiate. Given a number of factors, such as the strength of the economy, the size and vitality of the company, and the supply of job candidates with similar qualifications, some employers may not negotiate.
  • You may have to be willing to walk away from negotiations. If you don't have a strong position (i.e. a good current job or one or more current or potential job offers), it could be harder for you to negotiate. If you really need or want the job, you may wish to be more careful in your negotiations.
  • Once the employer agrees to your compensation requests, the negotiations are usually over. You may not want to ask for anything more -- or risk appearing immature or greedy and potentially having the employer's offer withdrawn or rescinded.
  • Sometimes, you may not need to negotiate. If you receive a terrific offer, one that is competitive within the market and meets your requirements, there may not be a basis – or a need – to negotiate. Don’t feel you have to force it.
  • You may wish to ask for the final offer in writing. Be wary of companies that are not willing to do so.

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