Sample Resumes

Need inspiration to start your resume? Sometimes, seeing a few examples can help. Below are several fictional resumes representing a variety of backgrounds. You will see many different approaches represented. Like a certain format? Does a particular statement or wording resonate for you? Feel free to borrow ideas that will help you best tell your story.

Consider utilizing our professional resume template to assist with layout and formatting.

Entire career spent in public accounting - chronological:
Sample resume 1

Long Deloitte tenure - combination chronological and functional:
Sample resume 2

Junior-level, Deloitte post-college - 1 page:
Sample resume 3

Consultant, highlighting project experience:
Sample resume 4

Senior Manager/Manager Consulting
Sample resume 5

P/P/D – Executive:
Sample resume 6

Skills-Based Functional Resume for M/SC/C:
Sample Resume 7

Partner/Director Functional Resume:
Sample Resume 8

Partner/Director Hybrid Functional Resume:
Sample Resume 9

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Advisory_M_project bullets



Audit_MD_functional buckets


Audit_SM_functional buckets


Cons_P_client and practice leadership roles


Enabling Areas_M

Enabling Areas_SM

Tax P_client and practice leadership roles



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