Getting Started - Let the journey begin

Welcome to your job search. For many of us, this is something new and not our usual occupation. The good news is that you come to this job with a robust tool kit filled with skills you have been using in your regular job. You will likely use many of these skills during your search. No matter what part of Deloitte you were with, you have probably had to be analytical, establish relationships, come up with creative ideas and been responsible for many projects, both small and large. Many of these will be important in your job search. But where do you begin?

Reviewing this Transition Assistance website is a great way to start. There is a great deal of information about resumes, networking, interviewing and salary negotiation on the site. In addition, there are several assessments and tools at your disposal. Then think about how you would attack a project in the office or at the client site. Get organized! Set up a daily schedule. Establish a tracking tool that will help you keep track of people with whom you have networked, positions for which you have applied, interviews you have completed,and follow up dates.

Establish a daily routine. A person may spend four to six hours a day engaged in their job search. Establish when you are going to look at the job boards and company websites, speak with your Transition Assistance coach, when you will check email, and when you will make networking calls or do other types of research, such as reviewing the current business news.

One more thing: as you are establishing your schedule, don't forget to build in time for yourself. Your health and well-being are an important part of your job search. Self-care is a legitimate part of your job search routine.

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